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vanishinggirlEvery night after Ember Pierce falls asleep, she disappears. She can teleport anywhere in the world—London, Paris, her crush’s bedroom—wherever her dreams lead her. Ten minutes is all she gets, and once time’s up, she returns to her bed. It’s a secret she’s successfully kept for the last five years. But now someone knows.

Review: I had a love-hate relationship with this book. I loved that Ember ran. I loved that she had the foresight to learn survival skills. I hated her reaction to Caden’s looks and that she and Desiree instantly hated each other over Caden.

Some of my issues were explained away by the fact that Caden and Ember were literally made for each other in a lab, but this opened up other issues. There seems to have been no real research into DNA engineering and Nature vs. Nurture.

I just. I hate that Ember had the potential to be this badass female character like Katniss or Tris, but instead she lets her attraction to Caden get in the way of that. She is smart enough to escape and then even better the government is training her to become a spy. Escape should be an easy prospect. All of the sudden there is this guy who is so infuriatingly handsome that she halfway gives up.

BUT the story kept me interested and made up for many of the flaws.

Rating: 3.5 stars